Formely Revista Brasileira de Geoci�ncias

 JCR (1,046) | Qualis Capes - B1 (2016) | Indexed in SCOPUS, GeoRef, SciELO and Web of Science | ISSN 23174692, 23174889

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Volume 53 - 2023

n.1   | n.2   | n.3 



Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Southern Espinha�o Range, Brazil, using time-domain electromagnetic induction: prospecting, efficiency, and environmental aspects
Borgatti, Henrique; Melo, Aline Tavares; Knauer, Luiz Guilherme    (pdf)


Sodic alkaline magmatism in Eastern Paraguay revisited: geochemical and petrological implications
Gomes, Celso de Barros; Comin-Chiaramonti, Piero; Vel�zquez, Victor Fernandez    (pdf)


The provenance of terrigenous mud on reefs in Royal Charlotte Bank, Bahia, Brazil
Turbay, Caio Vin�cius Gabrig; Orlando, Marcos Tadeu D�Azeredo; Lacerda, Carlos Henrique Figueiredo; Duarte, Eduardo Baudson    (pdf)


Mineral chemistry from the Alfeu-I lamproite (Southern Brazil) and its contribution to understand the mantle heterogeneity under South American Plate during the Gondwana breakup
Carniel, Larissa Colombo; Concei��o, Rommulo Vieira; Provenzano, Carlos Augusto S.; Sander, Andrea; Leitzke, Felipe Padilha; Silva, Andrea Brum da; Berndt, Jasper; Klemme, Stephan    (pdf)



Crustal growth in the northeast portion of the Rhyacian Bacaj� domain, SE Amazonian craton, based on U-Pb, Lu-Hf, and Sm-Nd data
Magalh�es, Lucas Ba�a; Macambira, Moacir Jos� Buenano; Macambira, Edesio Maria Buenano; Ricci, Paulo dos Santos Freire    (pdf)


The Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the SE Brazilian coast: new paleomagnetic data and age constraints
Ernesto, Marcia; Raposo, Maria Irene Bartolomeu    (pdf)


Zircon U-Pb dating and petrogenesis of the S�o Jos� do Campestre Granite Complex, NE Brazil: an example of neoarchean mantle-derived post-collisional magmatism
Souza, Zorano S�rgio de; Dantas, Elton Luiz; Oliveira, Elson Paiva; Vilalva, Frederico Castro Jobim; Motta, Rafael Gon�alves da; Martin, Herv�; Valc�cio, Samir do Nascimento    (pdf)


Volcaniclastic rocks and reconstruction of a volcanosedimentary paleoenvironment in Campos Basin, SE Brazil
Frank, Yara Veloso Magalh�es; Valente, S�rgio de Castro    (pdf)


Deformational sequence of inversion in the Paramirim Aulacogen, northern region of the intracontinental sector of the Ara�ua� Orogen
Bitencourt, Caroline Novais; Cruz, Simone Cerqueira Pereira    (pdf)


Carbonate reservoir quality and permoporosity obliteration due to silicification processes in the Barra Velha Formation, Santos Basin, Southeastern Brazil
Jesus, Igor Lima de; Abrantes Jr., Francisco Romeiro; Ferreira, Danilo Jotta Ariza; Lupinacci, Wagner Moreira   (pdf)


The missing mats: MISS diversity and influence on life preservation in the late Ediacaran of the Tandilia System, Argentina
Arrouy, Mar�a Julia; Warren, Lucas Ver�ssimo; Quaglio, Fernanda; G�mez-Peral, Luc�a; Inglez, Lucas; Penzo, Victoria; Sim�es, Marcello Guimar�es; Poir�, Daniel Gustavo    (pdf)


Petrology of volcanic rocks of the Serra Sul mine, Caraj�s Province, Par�
Monteiro, H�lio Junior Lima; Corval, Artur; Rold�o, D�bora Grala; Aires Filho, Benevides; Rinaldi, Luighi Santos; Martins, Let�cia; Oliveira, Gustavo Diniz    (pdf)


Calcareous nannofossils, biostratigraphy, and paleobiogeography of the Aptian/Albian Romualdo Formation in the Araripe Basin, North-Eastern Brazil
Lemos, Fl�via Azevedo Pedrosa; Asakura, Yumi; Antunes, Rog�rio Loureiro; Araripe, Rilda Ver�nica Cardoso de; Prado, Ludmila Alves Cadeira do; Tom�, Maria Emilia Travassos Rio; Oliveira, David Holanda de; Nascimento, Luiz Ricardo Silva Lobo do; Ng, Christiano; Barreto, Alcina Magn�lia Franca    (pdf)


A review of mineral assemblages of agpaitic rocks from the Po�os de Caldas alkaline massif, southeastern Brazil
Gomes, Celso de Barros; Azzi, Andrezza de Almeida; Atencio, Daniel    (pdf)




Thermal effect of igneous intrusions on organic-rich Irati Formation and the implications for petroleum systems: a case study in the Paran� Basin, Brazil
Martins, Cintia Mayra Santos; Celino, Joil Jos�; Cerqueira, Jos� Roberto; Garcia, Karina Santos; Queiroz, Ant�nio Fernando de Souza    (pdf)

Remote sensing applied to geological, structural, and mass movements characterization in the connection between Curral Homocline and Moeda Syncline, Quadril�tero Ferr�fero Region, Brazil
Roncato, Jorge; Martins, Marina Morena; Silva, Matheus Marlley Lacerda    (pdf)

Multi-method characterization of rare blue quartz-bearing metavolcanic rocks of the Rio dos Rem�dios Group, Paramirim Aulacogen, NE Brazil
da Silva, Danielle Cruz; Montefalco, Lauro; Queiroga, Gl�ucia; Lira Santos, Glenda; Tedeschi, Mahyra    (pdf)

Geological strength index-slope: an adaptation of the geological strength index system for use in the rock slope stability assessment
Hamasur, Ghafor Ameen    (pdf)

Geochemistry of coarse quartz sinter overlying an Early Cretaceous Serra Geral quartz andesite flow, Fronteira Oeste Rift, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Hartmann, L�o Afraneo; Johner, Melissa; Queiroga, Gl�ucia Nascimento    (pdf)

Paleokarst features in the Aptian carbonates of the Barra Velha Formation, Santos Basin, Brazil
Nworie, David Chibuzor; Chinelatto, Guilherme Furlan; Vidal, Alexandre Campane    (pdf)

Threshold of motion and orientation of bivalve shells under current flow
Silva, Felipe Rafael Secco da; Borges, Ana Luiza de Oliveira; Toldo Jr., El�rio Ernestino; Fick, Cristiano; Puhl, Eduardo; Oliveira, Vin�cius Carbone Bernades; Cruz, Francisco Eduardo Gomes da    (pdf)


Mineral chemistry and oxygen isotope studies on Sn (�W) mineralization from Pedra Branca Granite Massif, Central Brazil
Santos, �talo Kevin Morais dos; Souza, Valmir da Silva; Botelho, Nilson Francisquini; Hoyer, Ingrid de Souza; Bonfim, Luis Antonio Raposo    (pdf)

Paleoenvironmental significance of Benthic Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the late Quaternary of the Cear� Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin
Noucoucouk, Agathe Arrissa; Silva, Mirella Rodrigues; Melo, Robbyson Mendes; Maia, Renata Juliana Arruda; Bergue, Cristianini Trescastro; Piovesan, Enelise Katia    (pdf)

A guide for microscopic description of fossil stromatolites
Sanchez, Evelyn Aparecida Mecenero; Romero, Guilherme Raffaeli; Callefo, Flavia; Cardoso, Alexandre Ribeiro; Fairchild, Thomas Rich    (pdf)










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