Vol 30 - 2000

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Composição e evolução dos fluidos no depósito aurífero São Francisco, Faixa Seridó, Província Borborema, nordeste do Brasil
Luiz-Silva, Wanilson; Legrand, Jean Michel; Xavier, Roberto Perez            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304579588


Microfitólitos associados a construções estromatolíticas do Grupo Bambuí, Proterozóico Superior, na região de Arcos - MG
Nobre, Jane; Coimbra, Armando Márcio            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304589592


Idade do magmatismo alcalino de Pariquera Açu (SP)
Machado Jr.; Delzio de Lima            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304593596


Evolução tectonoestratigráfica dos sistemas transcorrentes Carajás e Cinzeiro, Cinturão Itacaiúnas, na borda leste do Cráton Amazônico, Pará
Pinheiro, Roberto Vizeu I.; Holdsworth, Robert E.            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304597606


Petrogênese dos metabasitos com afinidades dos toleítos de fundo oceânico das regiões de Adrianópolis e Campo Largo/PR
Maniesi, Vanderlei; Oliveira, Marcos Aurélio Farias de            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304607614


The lujavrite and khibinite bodies in the Poços de Caldas alkaline massif, southeastern Brazil: a structural and petrographic study
Ulbrich, Horstpeter H.; Ulbrich, Mabel N. C.             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304615622


Alteração supergênica so depósito de cobre-ouro do Salobo, Serra dos Carajás-PA - ênfase no comportamento do cobre
Silva, Evaldo Raimundo Pinto da; Kotschoubet, Basile            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304623630


Modelos físicos do sistema de cavalgamento Fundão-Cambotas, no domínio da zona de cisalhamento das Cambotas, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais
Gomes, Caroline Janette Souza; Rosière, Carlos Alberto; Pereira Filho, Milton                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304631638


Reativação de paleolineamentos durante a evolução da Bacia do Paraná - o exemplo do alto estrutural de Quatinguá
Rostirola, Sidnei Pires; Assine, Mario Luis; Fernandes, Luiz Alberto; Artur, Paulo César              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304639648


Significado estratigráfico de minerais glauconíticos da planície costeira do Rio Grande do Sul, região da laguna de Tramandaí
Dillenburg, Sergio Rebello; Laybauer, Luciano; Mexias, André Sampaio; Dani, Norberto; Barbosa, Eduardo Guimarães; Lummertz, Cláudio Netto               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304649654


Lineamentos e imagens de sensores remotos e seu significado estrutural nos terrenos granito-greenstone belt de Crixás (GO)
Queiroz, Cláudia Lima de; Meneses, Paulo Roberto; Jost, Hardy              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304655662


Caracterização dos silcretes do membro Serra da Galga, Formação Marília, Grupo Bauru na região do Triângulo Mineiro
Ribeiro, Daniele Tonidandel Pereira              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304663664


Geocronologia Pb-Pb em zircão (método de evaporação) das rochas do embasamento do setor meridional do Cinturão Araguaia - região de Paraíso do Tocantins (TO)
Arcanjo, Silvia Helena de Souza; Moura, Cândido Augusto Veloso               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304665670


O complexo metamórfico Campo Belo (Cráton São Francisco Meridional): unidades litodêmicas e evolução tectônica
Fernandes, Rinaldo Afrânio; Carneiro, Maurício Antônio            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304671678


Tonsteins da Formação Rio Bonito no depósito de carvão Candiota, RS
Matos, Sérgio Luís Fabris de; Yamamoto, Jorge Kazuo; Hachiro, Jorge; Coimbra, Armando Márcio            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304679684


Anomalias de suscetibilidade magnética no batólito granítico de Teixeira (província da Borborema, nordeste do Brasil) e sua relação com a zona de cisalhamento de Itapetim
Lima, Rosenberg G.; Archanjo, Carlos J.; Macedo, José Wilson P.; Melo Jr., Germano            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304685692


Amazonitização em granito resultante da intrusão de pegmatitos
Jordt-Evangelista, Hanna; César-Mendes, Júlio; Lima, Ana Luisa Côsso            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304693698


Tectônica extensional oblíqua no sul do estado de São Paulo
Dehler, Nolan Maia; Machado, Rômulo; Vasconcelos, Claudemir Severiano de            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304699706


Magmatismo bimodal pós-colisional cálcio-alcalino de médio a alto-K no cinturão Ribeira: estudo geoquímico do complexo intrusivo de Várzea Alegre (CIVA) - ES
Medeiros, Silvia Regina de; Wiedemann, Cristina Maria               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304707716


Revisão estratigráfica da parte oriental da Bacia Bauru (Neocretáceo)
Fernandes, Luiz Alberto; Coimbra, Armando Márcio            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304717728


A arquitetura deposicional da Formação Marizal (Cretáceo Inferior) na Bacia do Recôncavo, Bahia
Lima, Carlos César Uchôa de; Vilas Boas, Geraldo da Silva            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304729736


O Grupo Ibiá na sinforma de Araxá: um terreno tectonoestratigráfico ligado a evolução de arcos magmáticos
Seer, Hildor José; Dardenne, Marcelo Auguste; Pimentel, Marcio Martins; Fonseca, Marco Antonio; Moraes, Lúcia Castanheira             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304737744


Eruptive style of mesoproterozoic A-type Caldeiras in southeastern Missouri, USA
Lowell, Gary R.            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304745748


El lineamento Santa Lúcia-Aiguá-Mérin (Uruguay): un corredor tectónico extensivo y transcurrente dextral precursor de la apertura atlántica
Rossello, Eduardo A.; Santa Ana, Héctor de; Veroslavsky, Geraldo            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304749756


Conulariid taphonomy as a tool in paleoenvironmental analysis
Simões, Marcello Guimarães; Mello, Luiz Henrique Cruz de; Rodrigues, Sabrina Coelho; Leme, Juliana de Moraes; Marques, Antonio Carlos            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304757762


Petrography and geochemistry of the volcanic rocks of the Rodeio Velho Member, Ordovician of the Camaquã Basin (RS - Brazil): preliminary results 
Almeida, Delia Del Pilar M. de; Lopes, Ricardo da C.; Lima, Larissa de; Gomes, Cristiane H.            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304763768


Fluid evolution in the La Josefina AU- epithermal system, macizo Del Deseado, southern Patagonia, Santa Cruz, Argentina
Rios, Francisco Javier; Alves, James Vieira; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Schalamuk, Isidoro B. A.; Barrio, Raul de; Blanco, Miguel del            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304769774


Mineral chemistry of cassiterites from Pitinga Province, Amazonian Craton, Brazil
Costi, Hilton Tulio; Horbe, Adriana Maria Coimbra; Borges, Régis Munhoz Krás; Dall´Agnol, Roberto; Rossi, Antonio; Sighnolfi, Giampaolo            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304775782


Aplicação da luz infravermelha (IV) no estudo petrográfico e de inclusões fluidas em minerais opacos
Rios, Francisco Javier; Fazikawa, Kazuo; Alves, James Vieira; Neves, José Marques Correia            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304783784


The mesoproterozoic rhyolite occurrences of Fuerte Olimpo and Fuerte San Carlos, northern Paraguay
Gomes, Celso de Barros; Comin-Chiaramonti, Piero; Velásquez, Victor Fernandez           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000304785788


        Resenha de livros


Reinhardt A. Fuck                                   (pdf)



Luiz José Homem D'el-Rey Silva                  (pdf)




Special Issue Brazilian Contributions to
Rio de Janeiro
August 6-17, 2000




Diatexitic gneisses of the Andrelândia Group southern Minas Gerais, Brazil: geological and geochemical constraints
Junho, Maria do Carmo Bustamante; Mendes, Julio Cezar            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303353357


Granulite/charnockite from the Juiz de Fora Domain, central segment of the Brasiliano Ribeira Belt
Duarte, Beatriz Paschoal; Heilbron, Monica; Campos Neto, Mario da Costa            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303358362


Diagenetic/anchimetamorphic changes on the proterozoic glauconite and glaucony from the Paranoá Group, mid-western Brazil
Guimarães, Edi Mendes; Velde, Bruce; Hillier, Steve; Nicot, Elizabeth            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303363366


Significance of garnet-bearing metamorphic rocks in the Archean supracrustal series of the Carajás mining province, northern Brazil
Barros, Carlos Eduardo de Mesquita; Barbey, Pierre           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303367370


Guaratubinha Formation - PR: petrographic characterization of the volcanoclastic rocks
Reis Neto, José Manoel dos; Vasconcellos, Eleonora Maria Gouvêa; Bittencourt, Cristian           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303371374


Faciology of the Acampamento Velho formation volcanic rocks (Camaquã basin) in the region of Serra de Santa Bárbara, Cerro do Perau and Cerro do Bugio (municipality of Caçapava do Sul - RS)
Zerfass, Henrique; Almeida, Delia Del Pilar M. de; Gomes, Cristiane H.             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303375379


Orosirian calc-alkaline volcanism and the Orocaima event in the northern Amazônian craton, eastern Roraima state, Brazil
Reis, Nelson Joaquim; Faria, Mario Sérgio Gomes de; Fraga, Leda Maria; Haddad, Regina Clélia           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303380383


Dacitic volcanism in the course of the Rio das Velhas (2800-2690 ma) orogeny: a Brazilian Archean Analogue (TTD) to the modern adakites
Silva, Luiz Carlos da; Noce, Carlos Mauricio; Lobato, Lydia Maria           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303384387


Volcanic and volcaniclastic features in Archean rocks and their tectonic environments, Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, Quadrilátero Ferrifero, MG – Brazil
Zucchetti, Marcia; Lobato, Lydia M.; Baltazar, Orivaldo F.           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303388392


The alkaline post-collisional volcanism of the Campo Alegre Basin, southern Brazil: petrogenetic aspects
Waichel, Breno Leitão; Lima, Evandro Fernandes de; Nardi, Lauro Valentim Stoll; Sommer, Carlos Augusto                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303393396


Genetically diverse basalt geochemical signatures developed in the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Zucchetti, Marcia; Lobato, Lydia Maria; Baars, Franciscus Jacobus              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303397402


Mineral chemistry of Kamafugites and related rocks from the Águas Emendadas region, Goiás state
Junqueira-Brod, Tereza Cristina; Brod, Jose Affonso; Gibson, Sally A.; Thompson, Robert N.                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303403407


The Kamafugite-carbonatite association in the Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province (APIP) southeastern Brazil
Brod, Jose Affonso; Gibson, Sally A.; Thompson, Robert N.; Junqueira-Brod, Tereza Cristina; Seer, Hildor Jose; Moraes, Lúcia Castanheira de; Boaventura, Geraldo Resende            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303408412


Mesoproterozoic paleo-hydrothermal system in the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, Serra do Itaberaba Group, São Paulo state, Brazil
Pérez-Aguilar, Annabel; Juliani, Caetano; Martín, Aurélio Bonfá             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303413416


Brazilian Kamafugites
Sgarb, Patricia Barbosa de Albuquerque; Gaspar, Jose Carlos; Valenca, Joel Gomes           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303417420


Metakomatitic and meta-ultramafic rocks from the Rio Manso region, Minas Gerais: geology textures and metamorphism
 Pinheiro, Stelamaris de Oliveira; Nilson, Ariplinio Antonio                                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303421423


The early permian coal-bearing succession of the Paraná Basin in southernmost Brazil: depositional model and sequence stratigraphy
Holz, Michael; Vieira, Paulo Ernesto; Kalkreuth, Wolfgang                                   (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303424426


Stratigraphic interplays between igneous and sedimentary events in the early palaeozoic Jaibaras trough (northeast Brazil)
Oliveira, Diógenes Custodio de                                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303427431


Stylolites: measurement of rock loss
Ramos, Jose R. de Andrade                            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303432435


Chapadas: relict of mid-Cretáceous interior seas in Brazil (1)
Mitsuru Arai                                                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303436438


The sedimentology, stratigraphy and tectonic context of the São Francisco Supergroup at the southwestern domain of the São Francisco Craton-, Brazil
Castro, Paulo de Tarso Amorim; Dardenne, Marcel Auguste                       (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303439441


The Camaquã extensional basin: neoproterozoic to early cambrian sequences in southernmost Brazil
César, Antonio R. S. F.; Fambrini, Gelson L.; Almeida, Renato P.; Pelosi, Ana Paula M. R.; Janikian, Liliane; Riccomini, Claudio; Machado, Rômulo; Nogueira, Afonso C. R.; Saes, Gerson S. (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303442445


Carbon isotope fluctuations in Precambrian marbles of the eridó Belt, Borborema province, northeast Brazil
Nascimento, Rielva Solimairy Campelo do; Sial, Alcides Nobrega                  (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303446449


The cretaceous Sanfranciscan Basin, eastern plateau of Brazil
Sgarbi, Geraldo Norberto Chaves                             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303450452


Provenance of heavy-minerals in the Piranhas-Açu River, northeastern Brazil
Silva, Marcia Gomes da; Vital, Helenice                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303453456


Heavy minerals of the inner continental shelf offshore the Açu river's delta (northeastern Brazil)
Vital, Helenice; Guedes, Ingred M. Guimarães            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303457459


The cretaceous-tertiary boundary in the context of impact geology and sedimentary record - an analytical review of 10 years of researches in Brazil
Martins Jr., Paulo Pereira; Albertão, Gilberto Athayde; Haddad, Renato            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303460465


Sequential analysis of the Aptian deposits from the São Luís and Grajaú basins, Maranhão state (Brazil) and its implication for unraveling the origin of evaporites
Rossetti, Dilce de Fatima; Paz, Jackson Douglas; Goes, Ana Maria; Macambira, Moacir Jose Buenano                       (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303466469


Stratigraphic significance of heavy minerals in sediments of the northeastern Brazil
Sousa, Debora do Carmo; Vital, Helenice; Fonseca, Vanildo Pereira da                           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303470473


Late quaternary geological history of Rio Grande do Sul coastal plain, southern Brazil
Tomazelli, Luiz Jose; Dillenburg, Sergio Rebello; Villwock, Jorge Alberto                   (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303474476


Sedimentary basins of Rondônia state, Brazil: response to the geotectonic evolution of the Amazonic Craton
Pedreira, Augusto Jose; Bahia, Ruy Benedito Caliari                             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303477480


The triassic taphoflora from Parana Basin, southern Brazil: an overview
Guerra-Sommer, Margot; Klepzig, Miriam Cazzulo                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303481485


Early permian palaeofloras from southern Brazilian gondwana: a palaeoclimatic approach
Guerra-Sommer, Margot; Cazzulo-Klepzig, Miriam             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303486490


Taphonomy of the south-brazilian triassic vertebrates
Holz, Michael; Souto-Ribeiro, Andrea                     (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303491494


Bioestratigraphy of southern Brazilian middle-upper triassic
Schultz, Cesar Leandro; Scherer, Claiton Marlon dos Santos; Barberena, Mario Costa                  (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303495498


Early onset of modern-style shell beds in the Permian sequences of the Paraná Basin: implications for the phanerozoic trend in bioclastic accumulations
Simões, Marcello G.; Kowalewski, Michal; Torello, Fernanda de F.; Ghilardi, Renato Pirani; Mello, Luiz Henrique C. de      (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303499503


Studies on the geomorphic processes of overland flow and mass movements in the brazilian geomorphology
Cruz, Olga                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303504507


Hillslope deposits and the quaternary evolution of the Altos Campos - Serra da Mantiqueira, from Campos do Jordão to the. Itatiaia massif
Modenesi-Gauttieri, May Christine                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303508514


Summit surfaces in Brazil
Ab'sáber, Aziz Nacib                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303515516


Geomorphology of the Pacaás Novos range, southwestern Amazonia, Brazil: one example on the importance of geomorphological evidences to the reconstruction of Quaternary paleoenvironmental scenarios in Amazonia
Latrubesse, Edgardo M.; Rossi, Antonio; Franzinelli, Elena             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303517521


Geomorphology of the Bragança coastal zone, northeastern Pará state
Souza Filho, Pedro Walfir Martins e; El-Robrini, Maâmar            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303522526


Tectonic control on the coastal zone geomorphology of the northeastern Pará state
Souza Filho, Pedro Walfir Martins e            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303527530


Morphological characterization of ancient aeolian dunes using the ground-penetrating radar, Botucatu Formation, southern Brazil
Silva, Fernanda Guilardi da; Scherer, Claiton Marlon dos Santos                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303531534


Mapping of high electrical conductivity on the Torres syncline hinge, southeastern Paraná Basin
Vitorello, Icaro; Padilha, Antonio L.                      (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303535537


Synthetic aperture radar for geological applications in the moist tropics: experiences from the Brazilian Amazon region
Paradella, Waldir Renato; Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos; Veneziani, Paulo; Morais, Maria Carolina de                     (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303538542


Predictive geophysical model for gold mineralization in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Brazil: the case of Cuiabá mine
Silya, Adalene Moreira; Mccafferty, Anne; Pires, Augusto Cesar Bittencourt; Rodrigues, Luís Cláudio Ribeiro           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303543546


Gravity inversion on granite-greenstone belt areas: Crixás, Guarinos and Pilar de Golás, Brazil
Blum, Marcelo de Lawrence Bassay; Pires, Augusto Cesar Bittencourt; Moraes, Roberto Alexandre Vitoria de              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303547550


Hyperspectral remote sensing for mineral mapping: a case-study at Alto Paraíso de Goías, central Brazil
Crósta, Alvaro Penteado; Souza Filho,Carlos Roberto de                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303551554


Anthropogenic influences on the uranium concentration in waters of the Corumbatai River basin (SP), Brazil
Conceição, Fabiano Tomazini da; Bonotto, Daniel Marcos                     (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303555557


Arsenic in water and sediment in the iron quadrangle, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Borba, Ricardo Perobelli; Figueiredo, Bernardino Ribeiro; Rawlins, Barry; Matschullat, Jorg               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303558561


Neotectonic movements in northeastern Brazil: implications for a preliminary seismic-hazard assessment
Bezerra, Francisco Hilario Rego                      (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303562564


The new undergraduate course on earth sciences at Unicamp and the geological education in the near future in Brazil
Figueiredo, Bernardino Ribeiro                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303565568


The evaluation of the geologic mapping activities and the management of the geological survey organizations
Bertoldo, Arno Luis; Pereira, Newton Müller                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303569571


Managing errors in a geological digital database
Silva, Ardemirio de Barros; Franca-Rocha, Washington de Jesus Sant'anna da; Barreto Neto, Aurelio Azevedo           (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000303572575





The Arenópolis - Mara Rosa gold-copper belt, neoproterozoic Goiás magmatic arc
Oliveira, Claudinei Gouveia de; Queiroz, Cláudia Lima de; Pimentel, Márcio Martins               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302219221


The Expedito massive sulfide deposit, Mato Grosso
Neder, Renato Dantas; Figueiredo, Bernardino Ribeiro; Beaudry, Charles; Collins, Chris; Leite, Jayme Alfredo Dexheimer       (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302222225


The Serra Leste sediment-hosted AU-(PD-PT) mineralization, Carajás Province
Tallarico, Fernando Henrique Bucco; Coimbra, Cláudio Rodrigues; Costa, Carlos Henrique Cravo              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302226229


The Igarapé Bahia CU-AU mineralization, Carajás Province
Tallarico, Fernando Henrique Bucco; Oliveira, Claudinei Gouveia de; Figueiredo, Bernardino Ribeiro               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302230233


Pegmatites in southeastern Brazil
Bilal, Essaïd; Neves, José M. C.; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Horn, Adolf H.; Marciano, Vitória R. P. da R. O.; Fernandes, Maria L. S.; Moutte, Jaques; Mello, Fernando M. de; Nasraoui, Mohamed       (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302234237


Matrix rock texture in the Pitinga topaz granite, Amazonas, Brazil
Lenharo, Sara Lais Rahal; Pollard, Peter John; Born, Helmut                   (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302238241


Petrographic characterization of the hydrothermal alteration zones associated with gold mineralization in granitic rocks of the Batalha gold field, Tapajós (Pará) – Brazil
Silva, Rafael Hernandes Corrêa; Juliani, Caetano; Nunes, Carmen Maria Dantas; Bettencourt, Jorge Silva                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302242245


AU/AG ratio variations at mina III, Mina Nova and Mina Inglesa gold deposits, Crixás greenstone belt, Brazil
Fortes, Paulo de Tarso Ferro de Oliveira; Coelho, Roque Fernandes; Giuliani, Gaston              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302246250


The São Geraldo do Araguaia opal deposit, Pará, Brazil
Collyer, Taylor Araújo; Kotschoubey, Basile                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302251255


The Mara Rosa gold district, Central Brazil
Palermo, Nely; Porto, Claudio Gerheim; Costa Jr, Carlos Nogueira da               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302256260


Geochronology of the granitoid hosted Salamangone gold deposit, Lourenço District, Amapá, Brazil
Nogueira, Sonia Aparecida Abissi; Bettencourt, Jorge Silva; Tassinari, Colombo Celso Gaeta                   (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302261264


The source of the Espinhaço diamonds: evidences from shrimp U-PB zircon ages of the sopa conglomerate and PB-PB zircon evaporation ages of metavolcanic rocks
Mario Luiz de Sá Carneiro Chaves; Tânia Mara Dussin; Yuji Sano                    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302265269


The topaz-albite granite and related rocks from the SN-IN mineralized zone of Mangabeira granitic massif (GO, Brasil)
Moura, Márcia Abrahão; Botelho, Nilson Francisquini                      (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302270273


Brazilian iron formations and their geological setting
Rosière, Carlos Alberto; Chemale Jr, Farid                     (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302274278


Chemical deposits associated to metavolcano sedimentary sequences of the central portion of the São Francisco craton in the state of Bahia, Brazil: a review
Carvalho, Ilson Guimarães                        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302279284


Magmatic arc and associated gold, copper, silver, and barite deposits in the state of Goiás, central Brazil: characteristics and speculations
Kuyumjian, Raul Minas                          (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302285288


Structurally-controlled gold occurrences in the southern Brasília fold-thrust belt of central and SE - Goiás
Araújo Filho, José Oswaldo de; Kuyumjian, Raul Minas               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302289292


Alkali-deficient elbaite from pegmatites of the Seridó region, Borborema province, NE Brazil
Soares, Dwight Rodrigues; Ferreira, Ana Cláudia Mousinho; Silva, Rilson Rodrigues da; Ferreira, Valderez Pinto                   (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302293296


Chemical and structural constraints on the Paiol gold deposit, Almas greenstone belt, Brazil
Ferrari, Márcio Anselmo Duarte; Choudhuri, Asit                   (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302297301


A metallogenic evolution model for the lead-zinc deposits of the meso and neoproterozoic sedimentary basins of the São Francisco craton, Bahia and Minas Gerais, Brazil
Misi, Aroldo; Iyer, Sundaram S.; Coelho, Carlos E. Silva; Tassinari, Colombo C. G.; Franca-Rocha, Washington J. S.; Gomes, Adriana S. Rocha; Cunha, Ioná Abreu; Teophilous; Toulkeridis, Andreia Lima               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302302305


W-Skarns from rubelita, northern Minas Gerais state, Brazil: fluids related to lithological evolution
Rios, Francisco Javier; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Neves, José Marques Correia; Villas, Raimundo Netuno Nobre               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302306310


Fluid regimes related to the formation of lode-gold deposits in the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt, Bahia: a fluid inclusion review
Xavier, Roberto Perez; Coelho, Carlos Eduardo Silva               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302311314


Fluid inclusion investigation of the neoproterozoic lead-zinc sulfide deposit of Nova Redenção, Bahia, Brazil
Gomes, Adriana Sanches Rocha; Coelho, Carlos Eduardo Silva; Misi, Aroldo               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302315317


Fluid inclusion study of the Morro Agudo PB-ZN deposit, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Cunha, Ioná de Abreu; Coelho, Carlos Eduardo Silva; Misi, Aroldo               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302318321


Fluids associated with the Caxias mesothermal gold mineralization, São Luís craton, northern Brazil: a fluid inclusion study
Klein, Evandro Luiz; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Koppe, Jair Carlos; Dantas, Maria Sylvia Silva               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302322326


Fluids related to Endoskarn formation processes in the Guanhães area, Minas Gerais state, Brazil
Fernandes, Maria Lourdes Souza; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Neves, José Marques Correia; Bilal, Essaid; Leonardos, Cristina Maria Wiedemann                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302327330


Fluid origin and evolution during the formation of rare-element pegmatites from the Borborema province, northeast Brazil
Beurlen, Hartmut; Silva, Marcelo Reis Rodrigues da; Castro, Cláudio de               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302331336


Fluid evolution and gold deposition at the Cuiabá mine, SE Brazil: fluid inclusions and stable isotope geochemistry of carbonates
Xavier, Roberto Perez; Toledo, Catarina Labouré Benfica; Taylor, Bruce; Schrank, Alfonso               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302337341


The coalbed methane potential of the Santa Terezinha coalfield, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Kalkreuth, Wolfgang; Holz, Michael               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302342345


Fracture chronology and neotectonic control of water wells location in crystalline terranes: an example from the Equador region, northeastern most Brazil
Silva, Carlos César Nascimento da; Sá, Emanuel Ferraz Jardim de              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302346349


Structural and neotectonic criteria for location of water wells in semi-arid crystalline terrains: a preliminary approach in the eastern domain of Rio Grande do Norte state, northeast Brazil
Coriolano, Ana Catarina Fernandes; Sá, Emanuel Ferraz Jardim de; Silva, Carlos César Nascimento da               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000302350352





The tectono-magmatic evolution of the occidental terrane and the Paraíba do Sul klippe within the neoproterozoic Ribeira orogenic belt, southeastern Brazil
Valladares, Claudia Sayão; Duarte, Beatriz Paschoal; Heilbron, Monica; Ragatky, Diana               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301001006


Neoproterozoic western gondwana assembly and subduction related plutonism: the role of the Rio Negro complex in the Ribeira belt
Tupinambá, Miguel; Teixeira, Wilson; Heilbron, Monica                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301007011


An extrusive-plutonic event at hardy point and its vicinity - Greenwich Island – Antarctic
Almeida, Delia Del Pilar M. de; Machado, Adriane; Hansen, Marcos A. F.; Fensterseifer, Henrique, Lima, Larissa de; Gomes, Cristiane H.              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301012016


Rifting and magmatism associated with the South America and Africa break up
Thomaz Filho, Antonio; Mizusaki, Ana Maria Pimentel; Milani, Edison Jose; Cesero, Pedro de              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301017019


Arc-related Rapakivi granites from the Ribeira fold belt, SE Brazil
Wernick, Eberhard               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301020024


Chronology of neoproterozoic-cambrian granitic magmatism in the Araçuaí belt, eastern Brazil, based on single zircon evaporation dating
Noce, Carlos Mauricio; Macambira, Moacir José Buenano; Soares, Antônio Carlos Pedrosa               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301025029


Post-collisional multistage magmatism in the Ribeira mobile belt: geochemical and isotopic study of the Várzea Alegre intrusive complex, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Medeiros, Silvia Regina de; Wiedemann-Leonardos, Cristina Maria; Mendes, Julio Cezar             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301030034


The neoproterozoic Goiás magmatic arc, central Brazil: a review and new SM-ND isotopic data
Pimentel, Márcio Martins; Fuck, Reinhardt Adolfo; Gioia, Simone Maria Costa Lima                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301035039


Polymetamorphic history of the Crixás-Açu gneiss, central Brazil: shrimp U-PB evidence from titanite and zircon
Queiroz, Cláudia Lima; Mcnaughton, Neil J.; Fletcher, I. R.; Jost, Hardy; Barley, Mark E.             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301040044


U-Pb dating and Rb-Sr isotope geochemistry of the eastern portion of the Três Córregos batholith, Ribeira fold belt, São Paulo
Gimenez Filho, Antonio; Janasi, Valdecir de A.; Campanha, Ginaldo A. da C.; Teixeira, Wilson; Trevizoli Jr, Luiz Emílio         (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301045050


Neoproterozoic granitoid suites in southeastern Brazil
Bilal, Essaïd; Horn, Adolf H.; Nalini Jr., Arias, Herminio; Mello, Fernando M. de; Correia-Neves, José M.; Giret, Andre Roger; Moutte, Jaques; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Fernandes, Maria Lourdes S.    (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301051054


Geological units, ages and tectonic evolution of the neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano belt, southernmost Brazil: a review
Frantz, José Carlos; Remus, Marcus Vinicius Dorneles; Hartmann, Léo Afraneo               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301055057


Constraining the age of neoproterozoic glaciation in eastern Brazil: first U-PB (shrimp) data of detrital zircons
Pedrosa-Soares, Antônio Carlos; Cordani, Umberto Giuseppe; Nutman, Allen               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301058061


Geochronology (U-Pb/Pb-Pb) and isotopic signature (Rb-Sr/Sm-Nd) of the paleoproterozoic Guanambi batholith, southwest Bahia state (NE Brazil)
Rosa, Maria de Lourdes da S.; Conceição, Herbet; Oberli, Felix; Meier, Martin; Martin, Hervé; Macambira, Moacir José Buenano; Santos, Emerson Barreto dos; Paim, Márcio Mattos; Leahy, Geraldo Augusto da Silva; Leal, Luiz Rogério Bastos              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301062065


Isotopic signatures of paleoproterozoic granitoids of the Gavião block and implications for the evolution of the São Francisco craton, Bahia, Brazil
Luiz Rogério Bastos Leal; Wilson Teixeira; José Carlos Cunha; Angela Beatriz de Menezes Leal; Moacir José Buenano Macambira; Maria de Lourdes da Silva Rosa             (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301066069


Crustal zoning of neoproterozoic pre-collisional granitoids in the Paraíba do Sul belt, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Machado, Rômulo; Demange, Michel; Mcreath, Ian; Moutte, Jacques               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301070073


Ages of granites of the Serrinha nucleus, Bahia (Brazil): an overview
Rios, Débora Correia; Davis, Donald Wayne; Conceição, Herbet; Macambira, Moacir José Buenano; Peixoto, Adriana Almeida; Cruz Filho, Basílio Elesbão da; Oliveira, Lívia Lima               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301074077


Tectonostratigraphic terrane analysis on neoproterozoic times: the case study of Araxá synform, Minas Gerais state, Brazil: implications to the final collage of the gondwanaland
Seer, Hildor José; Dardenne, Marcel Auguste              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301078081


The mesoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary Serra do Itaberaba group of the central Ribeira belt, São Paulo state, Brazil: implications for the age of the overlying São Roque group
Juliani, Caetano; Hackspacher, Peter; Dantas, Elton Luiz; Fetter, Allen Hutcheson              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301082086


Geochemistry and petrology of felsic and mafic suites related to the paleoproterozoic Transamazonian orogeny in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Quéméneur, Joel Jean Gabriel; Noce, Carlos Mauricio               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301087090


Geology of the southern Amazon craton in southwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil: a review
Leite, Jayme Alfredo Dexheimer; Saes, Gérson Souza               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301091094


Further signs of an enriched mantle source under the neoproterozoic Araçuaí-Ribeira mobile belt
Ludka, Isabel Pereira; Wiedemann-Leonardos, Cristina Maria               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301095098


Isotopic and chemical evidence for three accretionary magmatic arcs (1.79-1.42 G.A) in the SW Amazon craton, Mato Grosso state, Brazil
Geraldes, Mauro Cesar; Teixeira, Wilson; Schmus, William Randall Van               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301099101


U-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronological constraints on the crustal evolution and basement architecture of Ceará state, NW Borborema province, NE Brazil: implications for the existence of the paleoproterozoic supercontinent “Atlantica”
Fetter, Allen Hutcheson; Schmus, William Randall Van; Santos, Ticiano José Saraiva dos; Nogueira Neto, José Araujo; Arthaud, Michel Henri               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301102106


Constraints on the evolution and thermal history of the continental platform of southeast Brazil, São Paulo state, using Apatite Fission Track Analysis (AFTA)
Oliveira, Sandro G. de; Hackspacher, Peter C.; Hadler Neto, Júlio César; Iunes, Pedro José; Paulo, Sérgio Roberto de; Ribeiro, Luiz Felipe Brandine; Sáenz, Carlos Alberto Tello               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301107109


Evidence of neoproterozoic backarc basin development in the central Ribeira belt, southeastern Brazil: new geochronological and geochemical constraints from the São Roque - Açungui groups
Hackspacher, Peter C.; Dantas, Elton Luiz; Spoladore, Angelo; Fetter, Allen Hutcheson; Oliveira, Marcos Aurélio F. de        (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301110114


Geochemistry of the Serra do Mar granitoid magmatism and tectonic implications, southern Brazil
Kaul, Pedro Francisco Teixeira; Cordani, Umberto Giuseppe               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301115119


Syn-collisional peraluminous magmatism in the Rio Doce region: mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic data of the neoproterozoic Urucum suite (eastern Minas Gerais state, Brazil)
Nalini Jr, Hermínio Arias; Bilal, Essaid; Neves, José Marques Correia              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301120125


Evidence of the superproduction of the continental crust during paleoproterozoic in south american platform. implications regarding the interpretative value of the SM-ND model ages
Sato, Kei; Siga Júnior, Oswaldo               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301126129


A geotectonic view of the Ribeira and Dom Feliciano belts
Soares, Paulo C.; Fiori, Alberto P.; Carmignani, Luigi; Rostirolla, Sidney P.               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301130134


Genesis of neoproterozoic granitoid magmatism in the eastern Araçuaí fold belt, eastern Brazil: field, geochemical and SR-ND isotopic evidence
Celino, Joil José; Botelho, Nilson Francisquini; Pimentel, Márcio Martins              (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301135139


Nd Isotope systematics related to proterozoic evolution of the central Ribeira belt in the state of São Paulo, SE Brazil
Dantas, Elton L.; Hackspacher, Peter C.; Fetter, Allen Hutcheson; Sato, Kei; Pimentel, Márcio M.; Godoy, Antônio M.       (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301140143


The Pirineus syntaxis: an example of the intersection of two brasiliano fold-thrust belts in central Brazil and its implications for the tectonic evolution of western Gondwana
Araújo Filho, José Oswaldo de               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301144148


U-Pb dating of deformed mafic dyke and host gneiss: implications for understanding reworking processes on the western margin of the archaean Uauá block, NE São Francisco craton, Brazil
Oliveira, Elson Paiva; Souza, Zorano Sérgio; Gomes, Luiz Cesar Corrêa               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301149152


Paleostress fields and 3-D structure of poliphase shear zones in the transition craton-orogenic belt: examples from the neoproterozoic of southeastern Bahia, Brazil
Corrêa-Gomes, Luiz César; Souza Filho, Carlos Roberto; Oliveira, Elson Paiva               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301153156


Re-appraisal of the Santa Rita greenstone belt stratigraphy, central Brazil, based on new U-PB shrimp age and SM-ND data of felsic metavolcanic rocks
Pimentel, Márcio Martins; Jost, Hardy; Armstrong, Richard; Fuck, Reinhardt Adolfo; Junges, Sérgio Luiz; Resende, Marcelo Gonçalves               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301157160


Geochemical signature of the brasiliano-age plutonism in the Seridó belt, northeastern Borborema province (NE Brazil)
Nascimento, Marcos Antonio Leite do; Antunes, Alex Francisco; Galindo, Antonio Carlos; Sá, Emanuel Ferraz Jardim de; Souza, Zorano Sérgio de                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301161164


Sm/Nd data of metasedimentary rocks from the central segment of Ribeira belt, southeastern Brazil
Ragatky, Diana; Tupinambá, Miguel; Duarte, Beatriz Paschoal                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301165168


Geotectonic models and geologic evolution of the high-grade gneiss terranes of Juiz de Fora (MG), Brazil
Nogueira, José Renato; Choudhuri, Asit                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301169173


Pb/Pb single-zircon dating of paleoproterozoic calc-alkaline/alkaline magmatism in the southeastern São Francisco craton region, Brazil
Jordt-Evangelista, Hanna; Peres, Guilherme Gravina; Macambira, Moacir José Buenano            (pdf)



Granitoids marking the end of the brasiliano (pan-african) orogeny within the central tectonic domain of the Borborema province
Guimarães, Ignez de P.; Almeida, Cícera N. de; Silva Filho, Adejardo Francisco da; Araújo, João Maria Martins de            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301177181


High-K calc-alkaline granitoids of CA. 1 GA. Tdm along the limit peal massif/Sergipano fold belt, NE Brazil and their geotectonic significance
Silva Filho, Adejardo Francisco da; Schmus, William Randall Van; Guimarães, Ignez de Pinho               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301182185


Tectonic setting and sources of magmatism related to the southern brazilian shear belt
Bitencourt, Maria de Fátima; Nardi, Lauro Valentim Stoll               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301186189


Pb-Pb zircon ages of the Porto Nacional high-grade metamorphic terrain, northern portion of the Goiás massif, central Brazil
Gorayeb, Paulo Sergio de Sousa; Moura, Candido Augusto Veloso; Barros, Gisele Ribeiro de               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301190194


Southern Brasília belt (SE Brazil): tectonic discontinuities, K-AR data and evolution during the neoproterozoic brasiliano orogeny
Valeriano, Claudio de Morrison; Teixeira, Wilson; Heilbron, Monica; Simões, Luiz Sergio Amarante            (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301195199


The Andrelândia Basin, a neoproterozoic intraplate continental margin, southern Brasília belt, Brazil
Paciullo, Fabio Vito Pentagna; Ribeiro, André; Andreis, Renato Rodolfo; Trouw, Rudolph Allard Johannes                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301200202


Ongoing compression across intraplate South America: observations and some implications for petroleum exploitation and exploration
Lima, Cláudio Coelho de                (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301203207


Apatite from an olivine pyroxenite of the Canaã valley, Espírito Santo, Brazil: fission-track age determination and confined track length measurements in order to establish an internal standard
Fonseca, Ariadne do Carmo; Balestrieri, Maria Laura; Bigazzi, Giulio; Norelli, Pio               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301208210


The use of marine shells for radiocarbon dating of coastal deposits
Bezerra, Francisco Hilário Rego; Vita-Finzi, Claudio; Lima Filho, Francisco Pinheiro               (pdf)



Microprobe monazite dating and the ages of some granitic and metamorphic rocks from southeastern Brazil
Vlach, Silvio Roberto Farias; Gualda, Guilherme Augusto Rosa               (pdf)

DOI: 10.25249/0375-7536.2000301214218



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